We often get asked, “how did the Yorkshire Witch come about?!”. Well, I’ll attempt to cut a very long story short. My mum and I have always been ‘different’ and we never shied away from this fact, despite the disapproval of others…in fact, we embraced it. We never followed the ‘norm’ and always loved the weird and wonderful….from people…to places…to clothing and everything in between. The strong pull of Nature has always been a part of us and we followed our empath hearts into the caring profession. Although my mum is retired, she is still nursing for the NHS and is admired by colleagues and patients alike.
Life happened and although the Witch has always been inside of us, we didn’t practice consciously. Mum’s personal circumstances changed dramatically and through her set backs, she rose stronger and wiser and saw this as her opportunity to follow her dream. The ‘Yorkshire Witch’ was born and I was invited along for the ride.
The reason we chose Barnsley to put down our roots was because there was nothing similar around the area at the time yet we were aware of a calling for it. The timing and placing were perfect; as many who have walked through our doors have stated it had been “a long time coming”. It was soon apparent how much these people needed us as much as we needed them and we have been told on many occasions that our space “feels like home”. And here we are…only weeks away from our 2 year anniversary. May there be many more to come…..
Blessed Be 🖤